The White Sox Are Garbage, But Chris Sale Is One Of The Most Entertaining Athletes In Sports, And He Pitches Today at 12:10pm



I don’t blame you if you haven’t watched Chris Sale pitch this year if you’re not a White Sox fan. The team is bad, bad, bad, plain and simple. But every fifth night Chris Sale toes the rubber and he is in the midst of a historic run of incredible pitching. It’s must see, once in a generation type stuff. I don’t care if you’re a Sox fan, Cub fan, Yankees fan, Red Sox fan, or a fucking Mariners fan – you have to watch Chris Sale throw a baseball. I have never in my life seen a pitcher make hitters look as consistently uncomfortable as he does. Here’s what he has done over his last month + of starts:


? 6 starts, 46.1 IP , 1.16 ERA, 22 hits, 9 walks, .66 WHIP, 75Ks

? 5 straight starts of 12 or more strike outs, tying Randy Johnson and Pedro Martinez for the most consecutive 12+ strike out games in a row since 1900

? Over 150 swings and misses swings and misses in his last 6 starts. That is more than over 500 pitchers have all season.

? Sale generated 27 swings and misses against Texas last week, the 6th consecutive start generating 20 or more swings and misses in a game. The last pitcher to do that is Hall of Famer Randy Johnson in 2002

? Other worldly movement with his fastball – this Washington Post breakdown says he has the best movement on his fastball in the last decade



I could go on and on. What he is doing is truly remarkable. Regardless of what you think of the White Sox, me, Chicago, or anything else, if you’re a fan of watching greatness in sport, Chris Sale is must watch television every single time he toes the rubber. He’s that great, that fun to watch. There are currently a few people who are suggesting that the Sox trade Sale, and I will break down each and every reason that’s a horrible idea after his start today, number one being because I’d kill myself and the Sox don’t want that kinda blood on their hands.

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